Saturday, May 1, 2010

Christianity vs. SGS

Did you ever have a buddy who was dating a total skank? A pure, ballsout street-rat crazy gutter slut? At one time or another, most of us have known someone like that and the saddest part was how hard he tried to convince everyone that no, she was really cool, you just had to get to know her better. Those things that other people said about her, well, they're just not true, and on and on.

It's sad and more than a little pathetic. I've dubbed this condition Skank Girlfriend Syndrome, or SGS for short. It can be applied to nearly any situation that requires some cognitive dissonance (i.e. Star Wars prequels, Windows Vista, Smart cars, etc.). Of all the situations in which we notice people indulging in this sad and silly phenomena, the most visible is religion, specifically Christianity.

Plastic Jesus fish on cars, faith-based advertising, door-to-door prostelyzing, t-shirts and Christian 'rock' are all designed for a singular purpose: it is a way for the suckers who buy the lie to attract other suckers because hey, the more people who believe in something silly, the less silly it appears to be. To them, at least.

Yep, I find Christianity to be silly, stupid and dangerous and at some level, I think most 'believers' have occasional moments of clarity in which they see it as something ridiculous as well. Of course, they immediately dismiss it as the work of Satan; the notion of which is even sillier than all the goofy-ass dogma attached to believing in God and Jesus. The brutal, meathook reality is that there are few things more stupid, cowardly and dangerous than a True Believer who feels it is their mission in life to recruit others.

Look at all the cultures and civilizations that have been destroyed by the Church, the Crusades, the Inquisition and, the most loathsome of all zealots, missionaries. How many people have been brutally tortured and murdered in the name of religious conversion? I'm not even talking about people who have suffered under the oppressive hand of Islam; that's a rant for another time.

If a person needs faith of one sort or another to help them make sense of life, well, that's their trip and I couldn't care less. All I ask is that they keep their nonsense to themselves and out of my life, my schools and my government. In other words, if your skank girlfriend is blowing the entire varsity football team, don't try to convince me that she's a virgin.

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